Introduction to Next.js: A Beginner's Guide

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An introductory guide to Next.js and how to set it up for local development.

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Next.js is a powerful React framework that enables developers to build fast, scalable web applications with ease. Combining the best practices of React with its robust built-in features, Next.js is one of the most popular choices for both new and experienced developers. In this guide, we'll introduce you to Next.js and walk you through setting up your first project using the latest Next.js 14 version with the App Router.

Why choose Next.js?

Next.js offers many advantages that make it stand out among the other frameworks and technologies:

1. File-Based Routing

Significantly simplifies routing by using the filesystem to define routes. Each file in the pages or app directory automatically becomes a route.

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Enhances SEO and performance by rendering pages on the server. SSR allows content to be dynamically rendered on the server before being sent to the client, which improves initial load times and makes pages more SEO-friendly.

3. Static Site Generation (SSG)

Generates static HTML at build time, providing fast load times. SSG is perfect for pages that can be pre-rendered ahead of a user's request, ensuring fast and efficient content delivery.

4. API Routes

Allows you to create backend HTTP endpoints directly within your Next.js application. This eliminates the need for a separate server for handling API requests, greatly simplifying the development process.

5. Built-in CSS and Sass Support

Makes styling your application straightforward. Next.js supports CSS Modules and Sass, allowing you to write modular and maintainable styles.

Getting Started with Next.js 14

Let's now dive into setting up a brand new Next.js project using the latest version.

1. Install Node.js

Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine as Node.js is required to run Next.js. You can download it from

2. Create a New Next.js App

Open your terminal and run the following command:

npx create-next-app@latest my-nextjs-app

This command sets up a new Next.js project in a directory named my-nextjs-app. The create-next-app CLI tool will scaffold out the project structure for you, including the necessary configuration files and dependencies.

3. Navigate to Your Project:

cd my-nextjs-app

4. Start the Development Server:

npm run dev

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to see your new Next.js application up and running. The development server provides live reloading, so any changes you make to your code will be instantly reflected in the browser.

Understanding the App Router

Next.js 14 introduces the App Router, which simplifies routing and offers enhanced flexibility. Here's a detailed overview of how to use it:

1. Creating Routes

Next.js uses the app directory for defining routes. Create a new folder named app in the root of your project. Inside app, create folders and files that correspond to your desired routes. For example, to create a homepage and an about page:

app/ ├── page.js (Home Page) └── about/ └── page.js (About Page)

Each folder in the app directory represents a route, and files named page.js within those folders define the components to be rendered for those routes.

2. Defining Pages

Each file named page.js represents a route. Here’s an example of what app/page.js (your homepage) might look like:

// app/page.js export default function HomePage() { return ( <div> <h1>Welcome to My Next.js App</h1> <p>This is the homepage.</p> </div> ); }

This file exports a React component that will be rendered when the user visits the root URL of your application.

3. Linking Between Pages

Use the Link component from next/link to navigate between pages:

import Link from 'next/link'; export default function HomePage() { return ( <div> <h1>Welcome to My Next.js App</h1> <p>This is the homepage.</p> <Link href="/about">Go to About Page</Link> </div> ); }

The Link component is used to create navigable links between your pages. It handles client-side navigation, which means that clicking a link does not cause a full page reload, resulting in a faster and smoother user experience.

4. Adding More Complex Routes

You can organize your routes with nested folders for more complex structures. For example:

app/ ├── blog/ │ ├── page.js (Blog Index) │ └── [slug]/ │ └── page.js (Blog Post) ├── about/ │ └── page.js (About Page) └── page.js (Home Page)

In this structure, app/blog/page.js renders the blog index, and app/blog/[slug]/page.js dynamically renders individual blog posts based on the URL parameter slug.


Next.js is a versatile and powerful framework that streamlines the process of building React applications. With features like file-based routing, server-side rendering, and static site generation, it provides everything you need to create high-performance web applications. By following this guide, you should be well on your way to building your first Next.js project with the latest App Router features. And also, for a more in-depth guidance, you can always check the official Next.js documentation. Happy coding!

References and resources